Steps to launch notebooks using VSCode#

Step 2: Configure VSCode to execute notebooks using python extensions#

  • Find the python notebook file (.ipynb) that you want to launch in VSCode editor.

  • Execute the cell containing the code to install required python packages.

  • If incase you are not able to run this cell, check if the Python and Jupyter extensions are pre-installed.

  • If Python extension is not pre-installed, Search “python” in the extension list and install the “ms-python” extension directly or click this link to install the Python extension.

  • If Jupyter extension is not pre-installed, Search “Jupyter” in the extension list and install the “ms-toolsai.jupyter” extension directly or click this link to install the Jupyter notebook extension.


Fig. 37 Install python extension in the VSCode editor#

Step 3: Configure VSCode to work with Otter grader#

  • Complete steps 1 and 2 and run the code installing otter grader. If you run into issues with otter grader then do pip install otter-grader before you execute this cell again.