Sharing information about the Hub#


Interested to be our evangelist? See below!

How do I spread the word about the hub?

We are always interested in getting case studies of how different teaching teams used their hub and tweaked it according to their needs. So reach out to Eric Van Dusen/Balaji Alwar if you are interested in sharing your experience using hub over the past semesters!

What are the collaterals that I can use to share the information about this initiative?

  • Anyone interested to know more about Data initiatives at Berkeley, can take a look at Computing, Data Science and Society’s (CDSS) website.

  • Data science modules are short explorations into data science that give students the opportunity to work hands-on with a data set relevant to their course and receive some instruction on the principles of data analysis, statistics, and computing. Here is the link to DS-Modules repository which has information on the many courses using it at Berkeley. Reach out to Eric Van Dusen (ericvd@berkeley) if you want help to make notebooks.

  • Otter Grader is a light-weight, modular open-source autograder developed by the Data Science Education Program at UC Berkeley. If you are interested to learn more about this autograding software then check this link here.

  • If you are interested to learn more about the conversations by the Jupyter Hub community, then check the discourse link

  • If you are thinking about setting up a JupyterHub distribution for a small number of users (around 100) on a single server, then check out The Littlest JupyterHub