Requesting new features in the Hub#
Have suggestions on new ways to improve our offering? If yes, read below!
How do I raise a new requirement for the hub?
We are always open to new ways of supporting the campus community using Datahub. If you have a new requirement, Raise a new GitHub issue using this link. Follow the steps outlined as part of the template to make a case for this enhancement.
Where will I get updates/notifications about the Datahub feature releases?
We are trying to build a cadence by sending public announcements about feature releases or version upgrades in the upcoming months. So do watch out for emails from the datahub-announce list!
If you are interested to track our current priorities for this project, then check our sprint board
How can I collaborate with other users on a notebook at the same time?
We don’t have options to collaborate with other users using any of our hubs at this juncture. However, we are working towards integrating collaborative computing experience through Jupyterhub’s Retrolab functionality.
How can I contribute to the open source community building this tool?
Thanks for thinking about contributing to this amazing community. Reach out to us! You can get a sense of how to contribute to Datahub by reading this link.