Download Jupyter Notebook as a PDF#

Downloading Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files) as PDF can be slightly confusing given the numebr of options presented in the notebook UI. nbconvert is the third-party package used to convert notebook files (ipynb) to file formats such PDF,HTML, PNG etc…The options to download notebook as PDF/HTML has changed recently due to the migration from notebook 6 to 7 and Lab 3 to 4.

If you are using and/or, then choose the following option to download the ipynb as pdf,

File -> Save and Export Notebook As -> Webpdf



When using webpdf option, ensure that your images are formatted appropriately so that it gets rendered in the PDF given the issue with nbconvert.

Absolute URLs: Images with absolute URLs in the image tag source are rendered in the PDF. Example: .

Relative URLs: Images with relative URLs in the image tag source won’t be rendered in the PDF. Example: .

Markdown Format: Images added in Markdown format, like

![Macss Logo](blue_text.png)

,are rendered in the PDF.

If you are using any other hub than the ones mentioned above, choose the following option,
File -> Save and Export Notebook As -> PDF

```{figure} ../images/download_PDF.png
:width: 500px
:align: center
:name: Download Jupyter Notebook as PDF

If you choose to download the notebook files as HTML then choose the following option, File -> Save and Export Notebook As -> HTML



We recommend instructors/students to not use the “File -> Save and Export Notebook as -> Latex” option as it has historically led to “500 internal server error”message for some of our users (like this).