Welcome to the UC Berkeley Data Science Curriculum Guide!#

What is this guide and who is it for?#

The information in the guide is primarily intended for instructors who either currently are or will be teaching a course using the campus Jupyterhub.

How should I use this guide?#

The information is divided up into six sections:

  1. Getting Started With the Campus JupyterHub: Guide to set up campus Jupyterhub and troubleshoot relevant issues that arise during this set up.

  2. Workflow Basics: Helpful information around creating, distributing, and grading assignments

  3. Getting Started With the Modules and Connectors: An overview of the different Data Science Education course types

  4. Creating a Connector: A guide to the pre-course set-up for a Connector course

  5. Making a Module: A guide to the pre-course set-up for a Module

  6. Reference: Useful people, terms, and contact information to know.

The first time you read through the material, you might go through the topics in order. After the first read, you could refer back to specific sections when seeking answers to questions.