Distributing Notebooks#

We recommend using interact links to distribute notebooks to students. nbgitpuller links are described in detail below. If you do not wish to use interact links, you can distribute assignments through bCourses as well. In this case, after you have uploaded the files to bCourses, students will need to download them and then upload them to their own JupyterHub accounts.

The Steps#

Here are the basic steps you will need to go through to distribute notebooks and other files. To learn more about the details of the process, please read through the rest of this page.

  1. Create a folder with all files for the assignment (notebook, datasets, etc.)

  2. Upload folder to a public GitHub repository

  3. Generate an interact link for the folder using the interact link generator (more on this below)

  4. Distribute the link to students through some web page


To use an interact link, files must be stored in a public GitHub repo. nbgitpuller links will not work with private repositories. Previously, content had to be stored in the data-8 GitHub organization or in an approved account or organization. This no longer applies, interact links can be used with content stored in ANY public repository.