
Introduction to Importing Data, Using Tables and Creating Graphs

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print("Hello world!")
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Hello world!

(10 + 10) / 5
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Now run this cell to import some code we’ll use today, nothing will print out, don’t worry!

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datascience import *
%matplotlib inline"fivethirtyeight")
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In data analytics, there is almost always a file holding your data that already exists. There are thousands of databases online that contain information on topics from all domains. In general, to import data from a file, we write:


Most often, these file names end in .csv to show the data format. .csv format is popular for spreadsheets and can be imported/exported from programs such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, or Google spreadsheets.

An example is shown below using U.S. Census data.


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0 0 3944153 3944160 3951330 3963087 3926540 3931141 3949775 3978038
0 1 3978070 3978090 3957888 3966551 3977939 3942872 3949776 3968564
0 2 4096929 4096939 4090862 3971565 3980095 3992720 3959664 3966583
0 3 4119040 4119051 4111920 4102470 3983157 3992734 4007079 3974061
0 4 4063170 4063186 4077551 4122294 4112849 3994449 4005716 4020035
0 5 4056858 4056872 4064653 4087709 4132242 4123626 4006900 4018158
0 6 4066381 4066412 4073013 4074993 4097605 4142916 4135930 4019207
0 7 4030579 4030594 4043046 4083225 4084913 4108349 4155326 4148360
0 8 4046486 4046497 4025604 4053203 4093177 4095711 4120903 4167887
0 9 4148353 4148369 4125415 4035710 4063152 4104072 4108349 4133564

... (296 rows omitted)

That’s a lot of information. As you can see from the labels on top, this table shows Biological Sex (0=total, 1=male, 2=female), Age, 2010 Census Information, and predictions for U.S. population for the next five years.

Using Tables

We can make criteria to cut down tables. Accessing only the rows, columns, or values specfic to our purpose makes information easier understood. Analysis and conclusions can be made when data is more digestible.

We need to access the census table above and name it for further use. We assign the table to a variable so that we can reference it later!

census_data = Table.read_table("data/nc-est2015-agesex-res.csv")
Start thebelab interactive mode
0 0 3944153 3944160 3951330 3963087 3926540 3931141 3949775 3978038
0 1 3978070 3978090 3957888 3966551 3977939 3942872 3949776 3968564
0 2 4096929 4096939 4090862 3971565 3980095 3992720 3959664 3966583
0 3 4119040 4119051 4111920 4102470 3983157 3992734 4007079 3974061
0 4 4063170 4063186 4077551 4122294 4112849 3994449 4005716 4020035
0 5 4056858 4056872 4064653 4087709 4132242 4123626 4006900 4018158
0 6 4066381 4066412 4073013 4074993 4097605 4142916 4135930 4019207
0 7 4030579 4030594 4043046 4083225 4084913 4108349 4155326 4148360
0 8 4046486 4046497 4025604 4053203 4093177 4095711 4120903 4167887
0 9 4148353 4148369 4125415 4035710 4063152 4104072 4108349 4133564

... (296 rows omitted)

This notebook can calculate how large this table is with two functions: num_rows and num_columns. The general form for these functions are table.num_rows and table.num_columns.

Let’s use these on the table above.

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That’s a 306 x 10 table! We can first start to cut down this table using only some columns. Let’s only include biological sex, age and the estimated base for 2010 census data.

There are two methods to make a table with select columns included. We could either use the ‘select’ function or the ‘drop’ function.

  • select can create a new table with only the columns indicated in the parameters
  • drop can create a new table with columns NOT indicated in the parameters

Here’s an example of two equal codes: (keep in mind that we assign each new table to a new variable, to make organization easier).

select_census_data ="SEX", "AGE", "ESTIMATESBASE2010")
Start thebelab interactive mode
0 0 3944160
0 1 3978090
0 2 4096939
0 3 4119051
0 4 4063186
0 5 4056872
0 6 4066412
0 7 4030594
0 8 4046497
0 9 4148369

... (296 rows omitted)

drop_census_data = census_data.drop("CENSUS2010POP","POPESTIMATE2010","POPESTIMATE2011","POPESTIMATE2012","POPESTIMATE2013","POPESTIMATE2014","POPESTIMATE2015")
Start thebelab interactive mode
0 0 3944160
0 1 3978090
0 2 4096939
0 3 4119051
0 4 4063186
0 5 4056872
0 6 4066412
0 7 4030594
0 8 4046497
0 9 4148369

... (296 rows omitted)

As you can see underneath the table, there are still 296 rows omitted! Our next step is to only include non-gendered data AKA data where SEX=0, neither male or female specific.

To do this, we need to use a new function where. The general form of this function is:

table_name.where(column_name, predicate)

To cut our table down to only include sex=0, we may use the predicate are.equal_to(). Note that we are assigning the new table to a new variable. We are referencing the table stored in an older variable (select_census_data), and modifying it. That modification is what is stored in the new variable.

new_census_data = select_census_data.where("SEX", are.equal_to(0))
Start thebelab interactive mode
0 0 3944160
0 1 3978090
0 2 4096939
0 3 4119051
0 4 4063186
0 5 4056872
0 6 4066412
0 7 4030594
0 8 4046497
0 9 4148369

... (92 rows omitted)

There are still 92 rows omitted! Let’s take every 10th entry to cut this table down a little more.

To do this we need to use the take function. The take function creates a new table with rows from the original table whose indices(row number) are given. In Python, indices start at 0!

Here’s taking every 10th entry. Inside of the take parentheses is a Python list of numbers from 0 to 90, increasing by 10s. This indicates exactly which rows we want to keep (every 10th row).

census_10_year = new_census_data.take([0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90])
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0 0 3944160
0 10 4172559
0 20 4519556
0 30 4285877
0 40 4383450
0 50 4660457
0 60 3621214
0 70 2043178
0 80 1308608
0 90 435695

Now that sex is all the same, we can drop that column.

final_census_table = census_10_year.drop("SEX")
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0 3944160
10 4172559
20 4519556
30 4285877
40 4383450
50 4660457
60 3621214
70 2043178
80 1308608
90 435695

Tables Essentials!

For your reference, here’s a table of useful Table functions:

Name Example Purpose
Table Table() Create an empty table, usually to extend with data
Table.read_table Table.read_table("my_data.csv") Create a table from a data file
with_columns tbl = Table().with_columns("N", np.arange(5), "2*N", np.arange(0, 10, 2)) Create a copy of a table with more columns
column tbl.column("N") Create an array containing the elements of a column
sort tbl.sort("N") Create a copy of a table sorted by the values in a column
where tbl.where("N", are.above(2)) Create a copy of a table with only the rows that match some predicate
num_rows tbl.num_rows Compute the number of rows in a table
num_columns tbl.num_columns Compute the number of columns in a table
select"N") Create a copy of a table with only some of the columns
drop tbl.drop("2*N") Create a copy of a table without some of the columns
take tbl.take(np.arange(0, 6, 2)) Create a copy of the table with only the rows whose indices are in the given array
join tbl1.join("shared_column_name", tbl2) Join together two tables with a common column name
are.equal_to() tbl.where("SEX", are.equal_to(0)) find values equal to that indicated
are.not_equal_to() tbl.where("SEX", are.not_equal_to(0)) find values not including the one indicated
are.above() tbl.where("AGE", are.above(30)) find values greater to that indicated
are.below() tbl.where("AGE", are.below(40)) find values less than that indicated
are.between() tbl.where("SEX", are.between(18, 60)) find values between the two indicated


Now that we have a manageable table we can start making visualizations! Due to the numerical nature of the census table above, let’s first try a scatter plot.

To create a scatter plot, we need to use the scatter() function. The general form is:

table.scatter("column for x axis", "column for y axis")

An example is shown below:

final_census_table.scatter("AGE", "ESTIMATESBASE2010") 
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With this data, we can also make a line plot. To do this, we need to use the plot() function. This works a lot like scatter() where the general form is:

table.plot("x column", "y column")
final_census_table.plot("AGE", "ESTIMATESBASE2010") 
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Though a bar may be better. Bar graphs follow the same formula as scatter plots and line graphs above, with the general form:"x axis", "y axis")"AGE", "ESTIMATESBASE2010") 
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You can also use the functino barh() instead of bar() in order to flip the bar graph horizontally. Sometimes, this makes for a cleaner visualization.

Merging Tables

We are going to cover one more topic briefly that you will need to use in your project. We are going to look into how to merge two tables that have common information. This technique will be very valuable when the time comes for you to do your own analysis with your own data sets.

We are going to read in a table with information about psychologists. We will call this new table psych1.

psych1 = Table.read_table("example-data/psych1.csv")
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Psychologist Birth Year
Freud 1856
Skinner 1904
Piaget 1896
Maslow 1908

Adding rows

You may have another table that has the exact same columns and you just want to add the rows to what you already have. Let’s read in another short table with a couple more psychologists:

psych2 = Table.read_table("example-data/psych2.csv")
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Psychologist Birth Year
Jung 1875
Erikson 190

Great! We see that this second table has the same columns as the first one. Merging these two tables would allow us to consolidate our information. We are going to use the “append” method to append the second table onto the first!

psych_merged = Table.copy(psych1)  # copying over the new_psych table to a new variable for the merged table
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Psychologist Birth Year
Freud 1856
Skinner 1904
Piaget 1896
Maslow 1908
Jung 1875
Erikson 190

As you can see, we have succesfully merged these two tables together! Now, let us try merging an additional column onto the original new_psych table.

Adding columns

Let’s pretend that we suddenly have access to the favorite foods of each psychologist. Wow! We definitely want to include that information in our table. This means that we need to merge in a new column to the initial table. Let us print the table first, and then we’ll get the other column.

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Psychologist Birth Year
Freud 1856
Skinner 1904
Piaget 1896
Maslow 1908
Jung 1875
Erikson 190

Now we are going to create to read in our new information.

psych_foods = Table.read_table('example-data/favorite_food.csv')
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Favorite Food
Ice Cream

Luckily, we are going to assume that each row is in the right order in the column. We are going to use a similar process as before to merge this column! The method we now use is append_column. Otherwise, the format stays the same!

psych_merged_with_food = Table.copy(psych_merged)  # copying over the new_psych table to a new variable 
psych_merged_with_food.append_column("Favorite Food", psych_foods['Favorite Food'])
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Psychologist Birth Year Favorite Food
Freud 1856 Pizza
Skinner 1904 Snickers
Piaget 1896 Grapes
Maslow 1908 Escargot
Jung 1875 Ice Cream
Erikson 190 Apples

As you can see, we’ve successfully merged a column to our table too!

Joining on columns

Suppose now that you have more information on the these psycologists (another column), but the rows aren’t in the right order so you can’t just append_column. Luckily, you have their names.

psych_birthplaces = Table.read_table("example-data/birthplaces.csv")
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Psychologist Birth Place
Maslow New York
Erikson Germany
Skinner Pennsylvania
Piaget Switzerland
Freud Czech Republic
Jung Switzerland

Awesome! We love more data, but how can I merge this back into our existing information? We can’t just add a column because the order is different.

Solution: We can use the join method and tell it which column the two tables have in common, and it will match the data to the correct row:

final_table = psych_merged_with_food.join("Psychologist", psych_birthplaces)
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Psychologist Birth Year Favorite Food Birth Place
Erikson 190 Apples Germany
Freud 1856 Pizza Czech Republic
Jung 1875 Ice Cream Switzerland
Maslow 1908 Escargot New York
Piaget 1896 Grapes Switzerland
Skinner 1904 Snickers Pennsylvania

That’s super cool!


You’ve learned a lot in this module! Let’s look back on the key parts.

  • To import data from a .csv/.txt file, we write Table.read_table("file_name").

  • To create our own table, we write Table( ).with_columns("Column Name", array_name, . . .) .

  • To count number of rows, we use table_name.num_rows.

  • To count number of columns, we use table_name.num_columns.

  • To create a new table with only the columns indicated in the parameters, we use"COLUMN NAME", ...).

  • To create a new table without the columns indicated in the parameters, we use table_name.drop("COLUMN NAME", ...).

  • To create a table with only certain values, we can use table_name.where(column_name, predicate).

  • To create a new table with indicated rows from the original table, we use table_name.take([index 1, index 2, . . . ]). Remember in Python indices start at 0!

  • To create a scatter plot, we use table.scatter(column for x axis, column for y axis).

  • To create a line plot, we use table.plot(x column, y column).

  • To make a bar graphs, we can use either column, y column) or table.barh(x column, y column).

  • To make a histogram, we use table.hist(x axis, bins(optional), unit(optional)).

  • To merge tables, we use either append or append_column.

  • To merge two tables with a common column name we use the join method.

With just some simple code, we were able to do an incredible amount of data analysis! Play around with the examples until you feel comfortable with the content of this notebook. We will be using notebooks to analyze your own data sets in the future! Please ask if you have questions!

If you need help, please consult the Data Peers!