Economics Introduction Modules
Welcome to the economics modules! Economics is a multi-faceted field that can be conceptualized in multiple ways, including as the study of scarcity and responses to it; the study of production, consumption, and transfer of wealth; and as the study of resources and incentives.
The Economics Department has a few courses for which modules were created, some of which are listed below.
ECON 101B: Macroeconomics
Econ 101B covers the study of theories of the determination of national income, employment, and price levels, with attention to the effects of monetary and fiscal policy. This core mathematical macroeconomics class has a semester’s worth of problem sets. The first notebook illustrates how a notebook can be illustrated like a textbook, with Latex external formulas, and graphical illustrations. The modeling part of the first notebook illustrates a Solow growth model with six graphical panels. The module also uses autograding features to give immediate feedback to the students for early practice problems to let them know if they are on the right path. The module is designed for students with little-to-no coding or statistics experience.